The Truth About Christianity is a Christ-Centered Ministry for believers who are fully committed to living out their faith, not just in words but in action. We are called to be doers of the Word, not hearers only (James 1:22), and to live lives that reflect our complete surrender to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
"I am warning everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book. Suppose someone adds anything to them. Then God will add to that person the plagues told about in this book.". Revelation 22:18
The Truth About Christianity: A Call for Truth and Salvation
The State of the Church In today’s world, faces a crisis of credibility. It is a crisis rooted in hypocrisy, which has caused a great deal of confusion, disillusionment, and spiritual harm among believers. The Gospel of Jesus Christ, meant to bring clarity, peace, and salvation, has been distorted in many places, leading many to unknowingly follow a path that deviates from the truth.
Those who seek to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, those who desire salvation through Jesus Christ, find the gate even narrower today than ever before, not because of God’s design but because of the actions and attitudes of those who claim to represent Him. The narrow gate, which Jesus described in Matthew 7:13-14, was meant to highlight the difficulty of truly following Christ, the path that requires sacrifice, humility, and genuine faith. Yet today, that gate is becoming even narrower due to the barriers that the Church itself has placed before the seekers.
The problem is not that God has made it difficult for people to enter His Kingdom, but that the Church has, in many cases, obscured the way with man-made doctrines, personal agendas, and hypocrisy. The truth of the Gospel, once clear and simple, has been clouded by false teachings, making it harder for believers to find assurance in their salvation. In light of this, there is a desperate need for a return to the simplicity of the Gospel—a return to the truth that salvation is found in Jesus Christ alone.
This is the mission of The Truth About Christianity —to ensure that believers, both new and old, understand the truth of the Gospel, that they may walk in the assurance of their salvation and enter the narrow gate with confidence.
The Narrow Gate: What It Really Means
The narrow gate spoken of by Jesus is not a metaphor for the difficulty of salvation, but rather for the exclusivity of the way to eternal life. Jesus makes it clear in John 14:6 that He is the way, the truth, and the life, and that no one comes to the Father except through Him.
This path is narrow because it requires a total surrender to Jesus Christ, a willingness to follow Him completely and wholeheartedly. The way to salvation is not through self-effort, rituals, or good deeds; it is through faith in Jesus Christ and Him alone.
However, as we look at the modern Church, we see that many have added their own obstacles to the narrow gate.
The simplicity of the Gospel has been replaced by a complicated maze of rules, regulations, and man-made doctrines. In some places, the Church has made salvation about works—about doing certain things to earn God’s favor. In others, the message of grace has been diluted to the point that it no longer reflects the radical transformation that Jesus offers to those who believe in Him.
In Matthew 7:13-14, Jesus warns that the way to life is narrow and difficult, and few will find it. This warning should not be seen as a condemnation of the Gospel, but rather as a reflection of the hardness of the human heart. Jesus was not making salvation more difficult than it needed to be, but He was pointing out the difficulty of surrendering one’s life to Him. The human heart, tainted by sin, resists the path of true salvation. It is not that the gate is too narrow, but that people are too unwilling to enter through it.
The Hypocrisy of the Church: A Barrier to Salvation
One of the greatest obstacles to salvation in the Church today is the hypocrisy that has taken root in many of its leaders and followers. Hypocrisy is not a new problem; Jesus condemned it in the religious leaders of His day. In Matthew 23:27-28, He called the Pharisees “whitewashed tombs,” clean on the outside but full of dead bones on the inside. He warned that their outward show of holiness masked a heart that was far from God. The same hypocrisy that Jesus denounced in the Pharisees continues to plague the Church today.
The Church is meant to be a reflection of Christ’s love, truth, and holiness. It is meant to be a community of believers who encourage one another to walk in the light of God’s Word. But when church leaders and believers live in a way that contradicts the very message they preach, they create a stumbling block for others.
Those who are seeking the truth, who are new to the faith or struggling with doubts, are confused and disillusioned by the gap between what is taught and what is lived. The result is that many believers, instead of being drawn closer to Christ, are repelled by the hypocrisy they see in the Church.
The impact of hypocrisy in the Church is far-reaching. For those who are genuinely seeking Christ, it becomes difficult to trust in the validity of the message when the messengers are not living according to that message. It creates an environment where people are more concerned with outward appearances—church attendance, tithing, and performing religious duties—than with the condition of their hearts.
In Matthew 15:8, Jesus quotes Isaiah, saying, “These people honor Me with their lips, but their hearts are far from Me.”
This is a dangerous place to be, as it leads to a false sense of security and an inability to truly follow Christ.
The Deception of Works: Based Salvation
One of the most harmful forms of deception in the Church today is the belief that salvation is earned through works. Many churches promote the idea that salvation is something we can earn through good deeds, church attendance, or following a set of religious rituals.
While good works are the natural outflow of a genuine relationship with Christ, they are not the means by which we are saved. The Bible is clear that salvation is a gift of God, not something we can earn. Ephesians 2:8-9 says, “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, so that no one can boast.”
Salvation comes only through faith in Jesus Christ. It is not something that can be earned by human effort, no matter how good those efforts may seem. In fact, the idea that we can earn our salvation is a form of self-righteousness, which the Bible condemns.
Legalism, or the belief that one must adhere to a strict set of rules in order to be saved, is a subtle and dangerous deception. Galatians 5:1 reminds us that “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.”
Legalism puts believers back into the bondage of works, making them slaves to a set of rules rather than free in the grace of Christ. The Apostle Paul warns in Romans 3:28 that “a person is justified by faith apart from the works of the law.” This is the essence of the Gospel: we are saved by grace through faith, not by anything we can do.
The Need for True Discipleship and Biblical Teaching
True discipleship is not about adhering to a set of external rules; it is about a transformation of the heart. In Luke 9:23, Jesus calls His followers to take up their cross daily and follow Him. This is the essence of discipleship: daily surrender, humility, and a willingness to be shaped by the Holy Spirit.
Discipleship is about more than just attending church or following religious traditions; it is about being transformed into the image of Christ. For the Church to fulfill its calling, it must return to the heart of discipleship: the teaching of God’s Word, the building up of believers in their faith, and the encouragement of a life of holiness.
In 2 Timothy 3:16-17, Paul reminds us that “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” The Bible is the foundation for all teaching, and it is the source of true wisdom. The Church must return to biblical teaching, teaching that leads to true transformation rather than mere behavior modification.
The Mission of The Truth About Christianity
The Truth About Christianity is committed to restoring the simplicity of the Gospel. We are on a mission to help over One Million Christians by 2030 find the assurance of their salvation and prepare for the return of Christ.
Our goal is to teach believers the truth of God’s Word, to lead them into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ, and to empower them to live lives that reflect His love, truth, and holiness.
Every believer deserves to know the truth about their faith. The Gospel is not about following rules or adhering to man-made traditions; it is about a relationship with Jesus Christ, rooted in faith and empowered by the Holy Spirit.
Our ministries exist to help believers understand this truth, so that they may have the assurance of salvation and the confidence to walk in the fullness of God’s will for their lives.
Preparing for the Return of Christ and the Final Judgment
The return of Christ is imminent, and every believer must be prepared. In Matthew 24:42, Jesus tells us, “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come.” The time to prepare is now.
The Church must be a place of readiness, a place where believers are equipped to live faithfully in light of Christ’s return.
The message of the Gospel is urgent, and we must work to spread the truth to all who will listen. We must live in light of eternity, knowing that our time on this earth is short.
As we await the return of Christ, we must remain faithful to the calling He has given us. We must preach the Gospel, make disciples, and live in a way that reflects His glory.
A Desperate Call to Action
The hypocrisy of the Church has made the narrow gate even more difficult to find. But there is hope. The truth of the Gospel still stands, and it is available to all who will seek it. It is our mission at The Truth About Christianity to restore that truth to its rightful place, to ensure that every believer understands the assurance of salvation and the call to live faithfully in Christ.
We are on a mission to help over One Million Christians by 2030 find their way to the narrow gate and be ready for the return of the Lord. We cannot afford to wait any longer, hoping the Church will awaken to this moment of crisis and reclaim the heart of the Gospel.
The time is urgent, and we must act with unwavering diligence to proclaim the truth, make disciples, and prepare for the imminent return of Christ.
The narrow gate stands before us, and together, we can break through every obstacle, guiding others toward the eternal life that only Jesus can offer. Let us rise, united and resolute, for the glory of His Kingdom and the salvation of souls.
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