How God Finds the Least Likely for His Greatest Work
God’s Unexpected Choices: How the Ordinary Become Instruments of the Extraordinary
Throughout history, God has shown a pattern of working through the least likely people to accomplish the most extraordinary purposes. One of the most profound examples of this is found in the story of Mary, a young Jewish girl who lived a humble life in Nazareth. By the world’s standards, she was ordinary, unassuming, and insignificant. Yet, God chose her to bring forth the Messiah, Jesus Christ, into the world. This divine decision is a powerful testament to the truth that God does not operate according to human expectations or qualifications. He values faith, humility, and obedience above all else, using even the smallest voices and the most unlikely vessels to fulfill His divine plans.
When we consider Mary’s story, it is remarkable how little there was, outwardly, to suggest she would play such a pivotal role in history. She was likely a teenager, living in an obscure village, far removed from the centers of power and influence. She had no wealth, status, or social standing. Yet, God looked upon her with favor. The angel Gabriel’s words to Mary echo through the ages: “Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favor with God.” These words remind us that God’s favor is not something earned by human achievement but given freely to those who are willing to trust Him completely.
Mary’s response to God’s call reveals why she was chosen. When the angel announced that she would conceive and give birth to the Son of God, Mary did not respond with doubt or resistance. Instead, she said, “I am the Lord’s servant. May your word to me be fulfilled.” This humble acceptance of God’s will is at the heart of why He chose her. She was not a person of worldly power, but she possessed the one quality God seeks above all else: a heart fully surrendered to Him.
This theme of God choosing the unlikely is not unique to Mary’s story. Throughout the Bible, we see countless examples of God using ordinary people to do extraordinary things. Moses, a stammering shepherd, was called to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. David, a young shepherd boy, was anointed to be king over Israel. Esther, a Jewish orphan, was elevated to the position of queen to save her people from destruction. Time and again, God demonstrates that His power is made perfect in weakness and that He delights in using the lowly and humble to confound the strong and wise.
This divine principle extends beyond the pages of Scripture and into our own lives. God’s ability to use the least likely candidates for His purposes is a constant reminder that no one is too small, too insignificant, or too unworthy to be used by Him. He can take the life of a young girl living on a dirt road and use it to bring light and hope to the world. He can transform the most overlooked individuals into vessels of His grace and power.
One of the reasons God works this way is to ensure that the glory belongs to Him alone. When God accomplishes great things through ordinary people, it becomes clear that the power comes from Him, not from human effort or ability. This truth humbles us and magnifies His greatness. It reminds us that we are merely instruments in His hands, and it is His strength that enables us to do what we could never do on our own.
The story of Mary and others like her also challenges our own perspectives on what it means to live a meaningful and impactful life. In a world that often equates significance with wealth, fame, or success, God’s ways stand in stark contrast. He shows us that true greatness is found in humility, faith, and obedience. The most important work we can do is not measured by worldly achievements, but by our willingness to say yes to God’s call. Mary’s story, and the countless others like hers, remind us that God does not require extraordinary talent, resources, or influence to accomplish His purposes. He simply asks for a heart that is willing, a spirit that is humble, and faith that trusts in His power.
This divine truth is a source of hope for all of us. It means that no matter where we come from, what we lack, or how insignificant we may feel, God can use us in ways that exceed our understanding. He does not see us as the world does; He looks at the heart. When we surrender to Him, He takes our ordinary lives and weaves them into His extraordinary plan.
Consider the example of the disciples. These were not scholars, rulers, or wealthy elites. They were fishermen, tax collectors, and everyday people. Yet, Jesus chose them to carry the message of salvation to the ends of the earth. He empowered them with His Spirit, and through their faithfulness, the gospel spread across nations and generations. Their lives were a testament to the transformative power of God’s calling, showing that He equips those He calls.
This same principle is at work today. God is still in the business of using the least likely people to accomplish His greatest works. The single mother working tirelessly to provide for her children, the factory worker who shares God’s love with their coworkers, the teenager who boldly stands for their faith in a world of opposition—these are the modern-day vessels through whom God’s glory shines. Their stories may not make headlines, but they echo in eternity.
Mary’s story also teaches us that saying yes to God often comes with challenges. Accepting God’s call is not always easy. Mary faced ridicule, uncertainty, and the weight of an unimaginable responsibility. Yet, she trusted in God’s plan, knowing that His purposes were greater than her fears. Her faith inspires us to persevere when the path God sets before us feels daunting or unclear. It reminds us that His grace is sufficient, and His strength is made perfect in our weakness.
As we reflect on the lives of those God has chosen, we are reminded that His choices are intentional and purposeful. He does not choose based on our qualifications, but on His divine wisdom. His plans often defy human logic, but they always lead to His glory and our good. This is why we must trust Him, even when we feel inadequate or unprepared. When we place our faith in Him, He works through us in ways that are beyond our comprehension.
God’s unexpected choices also reveal His deep love for humanity. By choosing the humble and the overlooked, He shows that every person has value and purpose in His eyes. The world may measure worth by achievements, appearances, or status, but God sees beyond all of that. He sees our potential, our hearts, and our willingness to follow Him. In His kingdom, the last are made first, and the least are made great.
For those of us who feel unworthy or unseen, this truth is a beacon of hope. It reassures us that God’s plans are not limited by our circumstances. He can take our brokenness and transform it into something beautiful. He can use our weaknesses to display His strength. And He can turn our ordinary lives into a testimony of His extraordinary grace.
In our daily lives, we can live out this truth by embracing the opportunities God places before us, no matter how small they may seem. A kind word, a selfless act, or a moment of prayer can have a ripple effect that extends far beyond what we can see. When we approach life with humility and faith, trusting in God’s plan, we open ourselves to being used by Him in powerful ways.
The story of God’s unexpected choices is a story of hope, redemption, and grace. It is a reminder that no one is beyond His reach and that every life has the potential to make an eternal impact. Just as He chose Mary, Moses, David, and countless others, He chooses us today. Our backgrounds, failures, or limitations do not define us. What matters is our willingness to say, “I am the Lord’s servant. May Your will be done.”
As we walk in faith, we become part of God’s extraordinary plan. We may not see the full picture, but we can trust that He is working all things together for His glory. Our lives, though seemingly ordinary, are woven into the grand tapestry of His redemptive story. In the hands of the Creator, even the smallest threads can become a masterpiece.
Let us be encouraged by the truth that God uses the least likely for His greatest work. Let us find strength in His promises and joy in His purpose. And let us, like Mary, humbly surrender to His call, knowing that through Him, the ordinary can indeed become extraordinary.