The Strength to Endure

Have you ever found yourself in a hard season that doesn’t seem to end? Maybe you’ve been stripped of comforts you’d grown accustomed to, or perhaps you’ve battled feelings of disappointment or defeat. Whatever you’ve faced, you’re not alone in your experience. 

Job: lost his wealth, resources, authority, family, health, and friendships. 

The prophet Jeremiah: watched his country fall apart and his friends get dragged away into exile. 

The prophet Isaiah: was allegedly sawn in half for prophesying. He died without seeing the Savior he talked about. 

The twelve apostles: endured assassination attempts, persecution, starvation, imprisonment, isolation, disease, and death. They all died anticipating Christ’s return.  

Scripture is filled with accounts of people who endured immense pain, suffering, hardship, and loss. But these people persevered because they knew that nothing—not even death—could exclude them from God’s eternal promises.  

Because our world is broken, bad things happen. When we find ourselves in situations that are beyond our control, disappointment is natural and grief is necessary. 

But even moments of extreme grief, pain, hurt, and disappointment Jesus can turn into amazing displays of His goodness and grace. 

Hebrews 11

1-Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. 2-This is what the ancients were commended for. 3-By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.